Public Works FAQ
The following are State owned roads: Morgan Hill Road, Cedarville Road, Island Park Road, Raubsville Road, Hexenkopf Road, Durham Road, Tumble Creek Road, Gaffney Hill Road from Tumble Creek Road to Cider Press Road, Cider Press Road from Gaffney Hill Road to Texas Road, and Texas Road from Cider Press Road to Morgan Hill Road. Route 611 is entirely owned and maintained by the State to include Winter maintenance.
The Township will only fix sinkholes within the confines of the paved roadway. If you have a sinkhole on your property you will need to call a contractor to fix it.
Please review the mailbox regulations below:
The Township does not prohibit property owners from placing mailboxes within the limits of the legal right-of-way. The legal road right-of-way, in most cases, is 25 feet from center line, as it is recognized that the post office has certain placement requirements regarding the location of mailboxes. However, since these mailboxes are not placed under permit regulations, they are technically deemed to be encroachments which are placed and remain at the risk of the property owner. Therefore, the Township is not liable for damages to mailboxes, fencing, shrubbery, trees, etc, caused by snow removal or other maintenance operations where same is located within the limits of the legal right-of-way. Our drivers do use extreme care when approaching mailboxes. However, due to the amount of snow on the roadway, there will be times mailboxes are covered or damaged from the snow. To help prevent damage to your mailbox, please check the condition and placement of your mailbox. The mailbox should be placed as far beyond the shoulder of the roadway as the postal carrier can reach from his vehicle. The mailbox should rest on a firm upper support as well as withstand the windrow of snow from the plow.
All garbage and recycling cans are to be placed behind the residents mailbox off of the paved road way. The farther away they are the better chance that the snow from a plow won't hit it. At no time throughout the year should garbage or cans of any kind be placed on the roadway. Your garbage hauler will come and get it off of the roadway. That is what you pay them for.