Road-killed deer info

Katie Faubert

Who is responsible for removing road-killed deer? All State roads in Northampton County are covered by a contract between PennDOT and a private vendor 610-250-1840 All non-State roads are covered by the Pennsylvania Game Commission 610-926-3136 Who can pick up and possess road-killed deer for edible meat? Any legal resident of Pennsylvania may pick up road-killed deer from the highways … Read More

Chrin Landfill blasting information

Katie Faubert

Chrin will continue blasting activities at the Landfill.  As always, they will monitor the structures closest to the blast area with seismographs and notify those local residences who have requested to be notified prior to the blast. If you have any questions concerning the blasting program, please call: 610-258-8737

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If you are interested in signing up for our Monthly Email blast, please email Hannah with your full name & home address at: At the beginning of every month we send out an E-blast to our residents here in Williams Township about events happening during that month. This is a great way to stay informed of what is going … Read More