Williams Township Land Preservation
The Land Preservation Board of Williams Township was established to promote the preservation of open space in the Township through outreach and communication to Township residents as well as implementing the Open Space Plan approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2003 and supported by the approved 2018 Williams Township Comprehensive Plan. As of 2023, 583 acres of land have been preserved by 10 citizens, and 585 acres of farmland have been preserved by 7 farm families.
The Land Preservation Board works with landowners interested in permanently preserving their properties through the purchase or donation of development rights on land identified as having important natural resources. Farmland is preserved in a separate program with the assistance of the Northampton County Farmland Preservation program. https://norcopa.gov/farmland-preservation
Open space preservation is beneficial to all residents of the Township. You are encouraged to learn more about the program and all that it offers by attending a Land Preservation Board meeting held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Community building or you can contact a member directly by emailing or calling one of the highlighted names below:
Land Preservation Board
Questions for the LPB? Please E-mail or call us
Thomas Heilman
Michael Cortright Board Member
Lori Niemi Cox
Nurit Baron
Alternate Board